Well, I am officially about to jump out of my skin with excitement over this little one. I've been trying to soak in feeling her inside me kicking and rolling and having the basketball belly and the shear joy of being pregnant right now. And, it has worked at times today with me being a little sad that it's about to be over. But, then I remember i'll see this little one face to face and just giggle! I had a great, long, and hard swim this morning. (Maybe that's why I run on the treadmill because it regulates my speed. Swimming just lets me get excited and GO! But, then I flap around in the pool and look silly, i'm sure. The lifeguards are probably wondering what the crazy prego girl in the bikini is doing.) I could seriously go running and running and running right now. I think Bella knows i'm excited too because she is kicking away. She's been doing this cute thing with her daddy lately. He'll put his hand on my stomach like he's palming a basketball and she'll press her foot or hand right up there and just rub it. She doesn't do that with me, she just kicks! But, she rolls her foot or hand across his hand or keeps it up there like she's reaching. Precious! So, of course that's the highlight of his life right now.
I have always thought that God laughs and cries and experiences life with us...that He lets us live in the reality of Him...that He enjoys revealing to us the reality of Him in everyday life. So, i'm convinced He laughs with me lately. And, he's totally ok with me splashing around in the pool until I get my 'stride back'. ha!
"Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! Sing to him a new song. The earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. The Lord looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man. Our heart is glad in Him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us"...Sections of Psalm 33.
I have a feeling that soon we will experience the steadfast love of the Lord, the eyes of Him, the gladness and joy of Him, the holiness of Him in a new way.
1 day ago
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