Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 days PAST!!

We are still waiting on Miss Bella who seems quite content where she's at. So, i've had some time to think. Sunday at church we sang a song called "This is Love" and I was reminded that as much as I love this little girl and Mike, it doesn't compare to God's love for me or any of us. It was truly a reminder of what Love is and the "depth, height, width of this Love" (Ephesians 3). What an overwhelming, incomprehensible, and beautifully simple truth. Here are some of the other things I've done these last few days of "waiting": Cleaning underneath the sink three times (how many ways can you organize cleaning supplies and paper towels), reading 2 books (I would highly recommend John Wood's book "Leaving Microsoft to change the world" and "Deep River" by Shusaku Endo). Also, writing 2.5 publications for work, finishing thank you notes, installing the carseat in our car, running and swimming in the mornings, enjoying the fall weather while cleaning out the leaves from the front bed, etc. etc. etc... I am officially ready! Well, as ready as you can be. (Can you really ever be ready?)
Here is an updated picture of me 40 weeks plus 3 days. And, since we have a new camera I played around with taking pictures of our soon-to-be-here sweet baby's room. Take care everyone!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Even though we have never met, I feel like I know you! Allison has shown me your blog many times and I've enjoyed hearing updates on little Bella! 've also appreciated all of your comforting words of encourgement over the past month (sorry about all of the phone calls from work!)!

I'm praying for you... I know little Bella will make her precious entrance into this world all in His good and perfect timing! Hang in there...
Your sister in Christ,