Happy 2 weeks Sweet Pea! Grammy and I had a great time this morning giving Bella a bath. She did so great and was so happy through it! Until the end, when she fussed and peed on Mommy. Poor little girl was cold! But, she was still adorable. Both of the grandmothers have left and now it is reality. Oh my goodness. It was so nice to have both sets of parents here to help out...and they were both a tremendous help! Susy even slept in Bella's room two nights in a row and let Mike and I get two full nights sleep! woohoo! I woke up at the same times throughout the night though and kept looking at her Pack-N-Play in our room, but then remembered she was nice and cozy with Grammy. Thanks for those nights of sleep! Today was spent with lots of rocking with Grammy, bathtime, eating, sleeping, changing diapers, eating, sleeping...she has started this funny little coo when she's first going to sleep. It sounds a little like a soft to LOUD snore and it can go on for 30 minutes at a time. Funny at 2:00 in the afternoon, and not as funny at 2:00 in the morning! Little gal's already snoring, lovely! She's smiling more and makes the funniest faces in her awake "I'm content" state. And, she's really observant of what's going on around her nowadays. Plus, she's bringing that little head up on her own already. We may have a walker early on. Oh my...hold on to your hats! She was busy busy in the womb so here we go! So much fun though. If there are any moms out there reading that want to give this momma some advice, bring it on! The more wisdom the merrier
21 hours ago
Mommy advice..... The same that I told you from the beginning. Enjoy every moment, even the sleepless ones. She really will grow faster than you can even imagine. Congratulations on the big two week mark.
She is so precious! I'm glad to see y'all are doing so well. I don't have much advice, but I am open to any questions. I biggest thing was that I had so many question that I wanted answered, and luckily I have some great friends who just had babies before me, and helped out a ton. Enjoy week 3!
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