We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Houston with the family! Bella is getting more and more expressive with smiles and coos and laughs. She is so much fun and is growing!! She grew out of one of her sleepers already...And, yes, mom was sad!! We went to church on Sunday and Bella was cooing with every breath through her sleep. So, Grammy and I stood in the back waiting for her to go to deep sleep. But, she cooed the entire service! She must have been singing along! One of the funny moments of the trip is when Nanny was holding Bella. Bella was fussy and I went over to try to help soothe her. Then Nanny said, "Well, mommy. Don't you know I cry. I'm a baby." It was so neat to see Nanny interact with her first great grandbaby. Here are some pictures of our trip.
Bella with her daddy and Great Grand Tom Pop
Grammy, Great Nanny, and Bella
Bella and Proud Mommy
Bella with her daddy and Great Grand Tom Pop