We went to Colorado for our honeymoon and stayed at the Minturn Inn (fantastic!!!), went to Pike's Peak, and quaints towns around the area.

Then we spent some time packing with my parents in New Mexico and Mike's parents in Houston. After 1 week of saying good-byes (and me crying the majority of our cross-country trip) we landed in Sumter, South Carolina. Mike began working at Alice Drive Baptist Church and I received my Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology from the University of South Carolina and worked at the Statewide Cancer Prevention and Control Program. Here are pictures of our honeymoon, packing, and our first home. (Our first day all we had was cereal and milk to eat! But, I was excited to be married and in our first house.) Mike was a trooper driving that Penske truck across the nation. And, we only got separated once...in Alabama. Once I realized I didn't know where he was, all I knew was my new husband was on a highway at a

Cracker Barrel. Do you know how many highways there are in Alabama and how many Cracker Barrels there are on each of those highways? After a very long hour of trying to reach him on our CB radios (but only getting answers from truck drivers....not fun! Imagine a crying blonde girl saying "Mike...my husband is at a cracker barrel on a highway somewhere" and getting funny laughs and remarks from the truck drivers.) I finally found him. And he was sleeping in the truck!! As I was crying and scared, he tried to laugh and make light of the situation. Needless to say, that was a 'learning' moment of what-not-do-say to your new crying wife. Just hug and hug and hug and listen! Now, it's a hilarious story.

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