We met our freshman year at Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas. I remember seeing Mike for the first time while I was on stage with my girl friends doing a ridiculous dance dressed in every possible crazy combination. And he still seemed to like me! Through involvement in the baptist student ministry and mutual friends, we started getting to know one another more. After 6 months of "non-dating" (as Mike calls it), we finally started dating. He was very, very, very, very, very, patient with me. Here are some pictu

res of fun Wayland memories,

mission trips to Africa and Honduras, and other "oh-my-goodness-I'm-dating-Mike-Smith" dating moments!! Now on to engagement....see the huge mouth picture with Christie! That's from the night Mike proposed with a song he wrote. I was so excited and crying

so hard I forgot about the ring! He had to ask me if I wanted to put it o


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