Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gardening update - Week 5

Happy gardening, y'all! This gardening project has been so much fun to do. And, watch things grow.  I know it sounds funny but when you grew up buying all your produce at the grocery store, it's a whole 'nother level of excitement to start from seed and actually see a veggie become a veggie.  Right fellow gardeners?

Bella is still my little sidekick to help water and sometimes pull the plants to early. Oh well.  It's a learning curve and an educational tool anyways.  Here's an update on the beds.

Mike built me a trellis because the pesky pole beans were wrapping their sweet little self around my tomatoes and pulling them down! You would have thought it was war because I ripped those phalanges off of my tomatoes and put them in their place - around the trellis.  And, boy do they like it.  They are wrapping-happy now and I am tomato happy too.  I think one of my tomatoes told me thank you the other morning for doing that for them. We're tight like that.

Anyhoo, back to the garden and away from veggie-talk.  In the bottom left corner you'll see our flowering cucumber plants lovin' the sun.  The first row are all the tomatoes, the middle are the pesky pole beans, and the last row (it's hard to see), are my sweet potatoes.

Here's a close up of those winding pole beans!

Now let's move on to the next bed. Check out those carrots! 

And our green bell pepper.  You can see the eggplant to the right of it if you look closely.

And, here's the last bed.  The middle rows are the turnips and radishes that are nearly ready to pick.  The rest are the squashes. Can you tell which section of the bed gets more sun?

This is where we started!

Happy gardening y'all!

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