Friday, May 1, 2009


Since this blog will become Bella's baby book I want to capture everything! Obviously...hence, the 65 posts I have on here so far. It's going to be a big baby book! Here's a sweet moment I don't want to forget. I just got through holding sweet Bella while she was sleeping. We absolutely love it when she does that. Sometimes during her last feeding she'll want to play but other times she'll fall fast asleep when we put her up on our shoulder. She'll put her sweet little hands on our neck and burrow her face there too while she's getting comfy. Then, she's out! And, I love it! During the day, we put her in her crib while she's still awake to teach her to go to sleep on her own. And, it's worked really well once we started trying that method of scheduling her feedings, playtime, and bedtime (i.e. Babywise method - which I love by the way). She'll fuss a little bit but she'll go down pretty good. But, nights like tonight that method goes out the window. I let her sleep. Ten minutes goes by and I keep thinking, "I should put her in her crib". Then, I close my eyes and try to capture how she feels since I know she'll keep growing up and give myself some more time. I can't bring myself to do it. Ten more minutes goes by and I tell myself the same thing. Then, she'll take a deep breath and i'll rub her back and give myself more time. I still can't bring myself to do it. Ten more minutes goes by and I think I should put her in the bed. Then, I smell her sweet baby-lotioned self and give myself even more time. Tonight this went on for forty-five minutes. And, I loved every breath and rub and kiss and "I love you" and moment of it. The dishes needed to be loaded, toys needed to be picked up, laundry needed to be folded...all that can wait. I had a sweet, lotion-smelling, little-finger-twitching, deep breathing, not moving, little girl on me. Awwww, bliss!


ashley said...

ooohhhh, those moments are the BEST! We have them several times a week, and I think, one day soon she won't want to cuddle and I can teach her another day how to fall asleep on her own. Being a mother is amazing!

ashley said...

I know I just left a comment and you probably already know this, but you can have your blogs bound in a book! here is the link I found for the company I am going to use-

The Reeds said...

You guys are going to give me baby fever if you don't watch it!

That was Ginger from Wayland. That's number two for her!

Rachael said...

Emily! Hi. Of course you can add me to your blog roll - if I can add you. :)

I am listening to Noah sing in his crib as I type this. Those blissful little moments go by so quickly! Enjoy.

And I may steal the idea of having my blog just made into Noah's baby book. His scrapbook has about three pages added, and he is 18 months! Who has the time?!