Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This time last year...

This time last year...I was Here

and officially about to jump out of my skin! I was loving the belly, loving feeling Bella move and do circles, running, swimming, cleaning, keeping my mind off of "I-may-go-into-labor-at-any-minute-now", loving calling my family just to say hi and hearing them say "hElLooo" (hoping it was the I-am-in-labor-call), loving the what-ifs and thankfulness of motherhood. I also remember being nervous and scared about not knowing what I was doing or how I was going to be a mother (remember, I hadn't changed diapers before).

Fast forward one year later...the belly went away, Bella moves in circles in the house (all over the house!), I still run and swim (and had to get used to the non-prego-belly run again), I still call my family (although now they really want to know about Bella more than me...which is ok!), I still ask the what-ifs of motherhood and am increasingly thankful for motherhood. I also still get nervous and scared about being a mother. But, the thing that is different is I see this precious little Bella of ours daily. And LOVE her to pieces. As her first birthday is coming up I am reminded what a difference a year makes. And what a fabulous difference that is!


jordan said...

I love looking back at that post and seeing the anticipation! She is such a sweet little girl and it looking so grown up with her curly hair. so sweet!

Patti said...

We still love it when you can and what a difference one year makes. We love you guys so much and adore that little creature of yours. We are all so blessed. thanks for sharing her so much with us. love ya