Valentine's Day holds a special place in my heart. Three years ago, Mike took me to the Austin Symphony on a fancy-
smancy date! I had found out two days prior that I was pregnant and had kept it a secret for two days. Before we left for Austin, I gave him little
onesies to share the good news with him. You can
reminisce about it
here. Fast forward three years and we have a vibrant, busy little gal! So, this Valentine's Day we decided to make cookies for daddy. I had the cutest little helper in the world. Oh excuse me. Two little helpers if you count "
beddy bear". We even had matching aprons! Yes, I have become one of "those" moms...but that's for another post.
Step 1: Mix all ingredients. Turn the mixer off and on and on low speed and on high speed and off and on and high speed. Make sure flour gets all over the floor. Check!

Step 2: Roll out the dough. Get more flour on the floor. Get flour on both of us. Sample some of the cookies. Check!

mischievous? Yep, she's about to steal another bite.

There was a LOT of clean-up to do after this baking

Step 3: Spread icing and sprinkles on the cookies. Get sprinkles all over the floor. Sample another bite. Spread a little icing. Eat a little icing. And repeat the entire process through a dozen cookies. Check!

And lounge like you are too-cool-for-school! Anyone ever need to lean back because their tummy is too full? Oh
c'mon now. You know you've done it after eating at
Chuy's or your grandmother's thanksgiving dinner or your mother-in-laws chicken enchiladas...oh wait, just me? oh well. Confession time!

Step 4: Sample again. "Mom, I need to sample." Check! So...

Step 5: Eat an entire cookies. Check!

Step 6: Sneak in another cookie while mom gets the plate out. Check!

Step 7: Go show daddy your cookies! And if you're under three years old, do not smile! Check!

Step 8: Keep trying to get your toddler to smile and quit staring at the plate full of cookies. If you have to, resort to showing your tonsils. Check!

Step 9: Sample another cookie. Check!

Step 10: Show everyone how cute you are with your matching aprons! Try to get your toddler to look at the camera and smile. Try to avoid her stares of "mom, what are you doing?" Check!

Step 11: Resort to putting up your 'spirit-fingers' to try get your toddler to smile. Check!

Step 12: Show off your 29+week belly while your toddler finally smiles! Check!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
On another cooking note, my twin sista and I have started a cooking blog. You can check it out here! She has put most, uh hem...all, of the blogs together thus far. But i'll be quick to join into. Comment on her blog if you like it! I think it's fun but I may be biased!