Sunday, March 7, 2010

A new game and just hanging out with mommy!

Bella likes to play a new game of "wake the parents". We can pretend like we're asleep and she'll yell to wake us up. If her first yell isn't loud enough...then she'll yell louder! She's also learned she can "pretend asleep" too. Except she doesn't close her eyes when she pretends like she's sleeping...and she can't she just breathes really hard until we yell to wake her up. Kiddos imitate everything, don't they! We hope you enjoy the video of the new game.

And this second one is just too cute to not post! I'm sure some will think it's boring. But it's mainly for the grandparents anyways - since they are like us and just like to stare at her doing, well, anything. And, they (like Mike and I) think she is absolutely adorable and enthralling doing, well, anything.

1 comment:

Grammy Smith said...

There's absolutely nothing boring about those videos! Love it. Love it. Love it.