This little man is 18 months old. And, I forgot how much I love this part of development. He's learning to express himself more, ahem, lively. And surprises us with what he knows. Here's a mini update of what's going on with JT Smith.
He's still a charmer. Look at that face!
He is saying cheese, Elmo, Bella, and something like "I love mommy".
He likes to do everything he sees his sister does. When she's gone, he goes straight to her territory of the house.
He is 28 pounds, tall and in 2T-3T clothing.
He picked me my first flower. And, I didn't care it was from my own garden.
He likes to be put upside down by his daddy.
He does something like this every single day. I guess he is all boy because he is a MESSY eater!
He loves to play peek-a-boo and will say "cheese" when he surprises you.
He can climb up on the tables, couches, countertop, anything else you let him. If he can't climb on something, he'll pick up a chair to move it and use that to climb on. Y'all he's strong!
Oops, he got caught climbing again. I wish you could hear what he said in this picture. He started rambling 90-miles-a-minute to try to explain himself.
He got mad at me because I took something away from him. So, he'll crawl underneath the stools to sulk. Notice his shirt?
Here we are playing peek-a-boo again.
He wears himself out in the mornings by playing. We've taken away his two naps a day to just do one mid-day nap. Sometimes we don't make it through our lunch before he passes out.
He loves to get on his sister's horse. He can climb right up there himself too.
He likes to help unload the dishwasher. Little smartie knows where things go too.
He likes to steal things from his sister. Some mornings, both of the kids will smoosh themselves in this chair.
Little JT Smith, you are a joy to us! We are loving your little personality come through...even when it means throwing cheerios across the room.
1 day ago