Monday, August 16, 2010

Allison's bridal shower

My sister is getting married in 36 days...she's counting and i'm counting! I could not be more excited for her. And, yes I cry when I think about the wedding day and seeing her walk down the aisle and thinking about what i'm going to say in the toast - I cried in HEB the other day thinking about it. I will be a hot mess on that day! Two words - waterproof mascara.

A couple of weekends ago, the ladies (aka. Allison, Bella and myself) headed to Lovington for the extravaganza. Brad had to work and Mike had to preach so they stayed in Temple. It was a rare moment for just Allison and I to be home without our men-folk. So, of course we got in some good daddeo-lovin'. Don't get me wrong. I love my hubby. It was just another special time with mom, dad and Allison. I stayed up too late on both nights hanging out with my dad outside in the gazebo - with 70ish degree weather - and christmas lights strung through the grape vines - and lots of potato vine and flowers and wind chimes - it was as magical as it sounds! Hence, I stayed out as long as I could. Dad commented that, "This feels like college". To this I responded, "Yes, but there is a baby sleeping in the back room closet now". ha! Times have changed a little bit.
All Bella wanted to do was walk around outside. And I don't blame her. That's why it took me so long to go inside for bed. I love it too!
And, she had a great time with her Nana! Thanks mom for letting me capture this sweet moment with you two.
High five!
Dad asked Bella to smell the rose. And here is what she did. Does licking count?
The girls at the shower. If people say Allison and I are pretty, this is where we get it.
Grandmother with 3 of the granddaughters and 2 of her children. What a sweet family! Cybil is expecting her first baby, Allison is getting married, our other cousin Drury is engaged - it's a busy year!
Another daddeo shot. We still can't get enough of these hugs.

This is the first thing Bella did when she woke up. Notice she doesn't have any pants on? Who needs pants when there is a bridge to cross and a stroller to push and a Granddad to follow her every move.

Enjoy the week! And go invest is some waterproof mascara too. I have a feeling there will be lots of sob-blogs coming in the next few months.

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